Rashid Ali
English 101
The idea of how to advocate human rights through different strategies is most effective through writings. In our course, we have learned and discussed some of the most essential writings in American history, especially the role African Americans regarding human rights issues such as constitutional rights, voter rights, right to protest peacefully and use any means necessary to overthrow an impotent government regime. Other ideas include slavery, racism, white supremacy, labor, and social, economical, and political equality. These ideas play an important role in daily lives of every American citizen. A great figure like Dr. Martin Luther King sacrificed His life fighting for social and economical justice on behalf of African Americans and all who suffer from poverty, ignorance and illiteracy.
In the course of Law and Human Rights, our knowledge of what the constitution, bill of rights, and international rights say about the advocacy and violation of everyday human rights issue not only in America but all around the world. One of the things that was interesting to learn in this course was how America which claims to be the best exemplar of democracy, is breaking national and international laws every day indulging in wars that only bring harm to both American citizens and other nations. The United States of America condemns totalitarianism and yet is engaged in almost in every country that seems to pose a threat or can be beneficial to invest in.
Through the course of Linguistics, the importance of language and preserving a particular language which resembles a hidden culture, also became known. Language if used for a right cause is the most effective weapon in order to unite people and nations that are constantly struggling from racial injustice and political and political deprivation. It was helpful in a sense that how language is used in our societies divisively creating classes between the races and setting barriers to integration in a multi-cultural and multi-racial societies. The politics plays an important role setting two varied races or ethnicities against each other using language and constantly reminding them that they are different and better than the other group.
Through reading several texts in English composition course, we were able to go back in time and look at history and see what caused the current crisis in American society. This nation of America not only suffers because of racism, but also individualism. Since the time of slavery, up until now, justice hasn’t been served completely. Thanks to some of the greedy, people all over the world who were dependent on America are now in debt. This nation not only sank itself, but many others were also greatly impacted. First lynching occurred in order to stop the progress of some good people then the laws were changed to best serve the greedy. Ordinary people have lost the sense of living. Due to economical poverty, there are thirty-three thousand gangs throughout the American cities including east coast and west. Not proving enough jobs produced 1.4 million gang members. Everyone has a dream. Who doesn’t want to work. But if there are no jobs, and unemployment keeps haunting the nation, more and more people will turn to drugs as a way of living. We can put an end to it by using our voices, writings, knowledge and strategies practiced and succeeded by figures like Martin Luther King. American nation must not suffer because of a few who aren’t willing to give their privileges. The Poor People’s Campaign must succeed because poor around the world are relying on us to bring revolution and make a change that lasts forever.